half brother
- n.同父异母的兄弟;同父异母兄弟,同母异父兄弟

Abubakar is Maccido 's younger half brother , sharing the same father .
Obama 's half brother happy to live in China .
Obama : I met with half brother in China .
I learned that he was less indirect than his half brother the king .
Don 't you know hau 's his half brother ?
Her stepfather put up $ 1,000 , her half brother , $ 500 .
Mike is my mum 's son from her first family , so he is my half brother .
They believe it is an investment that will benefit her entire family , including her six-year-old half brother .
Gilbert 's half brother Sir Walter Raleigh continuted in his work .
I only have brothers and sisters in the high half brother and sisters had open arms for people to shelter up .
It would have been easier if Arya had been a bastard , like their half brother Jon .
The half brother of Thor .
apprentice Young Ben franklin learned the printing trade by serving as an apprentice to his half brother James .
US President Barack Obama 's half brother said he hoped the Chinese version of his book will help China and the United States understand each other better .
The half brother of Afghan President Hamid Karzai has been shot dead at his home in southern Kandahar province .
After talking to him for a while , he tells his daughter she can 't do it because he 's her half brother .
He missed the girls too , even Sansa , who never called him anything but my half brother since she was old enough to understand what bastard meant .
According to the legend , his father Gusou ( literally the blind old-man ) , stepmother and half brother Xiang plotted to kill him for many times :
Bran gave the pup a quick nervous stroke , then turned as Jon said , " Here you go . " His half brother put a second pup into his arms .
They need lots of coffee , not small lots of great coffee , and consistency is very important there , said Chris Heyer , who owns the business together with his half brother , Mr. Morris .
Eric then walked into the family room where his 11-year-old half brother was watching television and killed him in the same manner.He cleaned up the mess and waited for his mother to come home from church .
Ahmad Wali Karzai , the half brother of Afghan President Hamid Karzai and a powerful political figure in his own right , has been killed in his home in Kandahar , apparently by his own bodyguard .
On Sunday , a court sentenced eight rebels to death , including Abdul Aziz Ashur the half brother of Khalil Ibrahim , who is the leader of the Justice and Equality Movement , which carried out the offensive on Omdurman .
Out of gratitude , Wang Dao was assumed the position of the chief Minister in control of the court and Wang Dun , the half brother of Wang Dao , grasped the power of army forces and defense . Besides , other main posts in court were in the hands of Wang 's families as well .
People think that her half - brother sent the man to get money from her , and that he shared the profits .
He was a dwarf , half his brother 's height , struggling to keep pace on stunted legs .
I , Mary , Queen of Scots , give the kingdom of Scotland to my son , James.From today , James is the new King of Scots.But because he is a child , the Earl of Moray , my half - brother , can rule the country for him .